Technical Engineering
Industrial Workforce - Maintenance - Installation

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We offer various range of Services and Maintenance in Oil-Gas industries, Fabrication, Plantation, Manufacturing Facilities both onshore and offshore.
[ Starting August 27 2022, We are on the Midst of Re-Branding our Corporate Identity, from brand new logo design, company profile, Developing Online Database and Custom CRM (Customer Relationship Management), slight change may occur on our website from time to time ]
Latest update: 29-10-2022
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Birawa Welding
Offshore Pipeline Crew
Services provided
Our Brief Services Summary-Check our Menu for complete Details
Manpower Supply
Rope Access
Welding Habitat
PWHT-Heat Treatment
Machining Overhaul
Pipeline Integrity
01. Manpower Supply Agency Indonesia
Providing Manpower Supply - Labor Supply, We cater the demands and needs of oil and gas companies, whether upstream or downstream, onshore/offshore locations, that need the support of qualified manpower.

02. Provide Indonesia Rope Access Services
Applications for modern rope access include inspection, surveying, maintenance, and construction on bridges, dams, wind turbines, towers, buildings, and industrial plants. While inspection is the most common application, painting, welding, cutting and heavy material handling can be accomplished by rope access professionals using specialised procedures.
03. Habitat
Habitat is a tent made of flexible fire retardant panels designed to be enclosed over an area where hot work is performed in other to create an overpressure environment that acts as a barrier between an ignition source (hot work) and an explosive/fire hazard (hydrocarbon). It is portable and inflatable structure designed to facilitate hot work for use in hazardous areas.
04. PWHT Services
We offer a full range of on site heat treatment services, to the power industry, oil and gas, fabrication and casting industries. Working safely and closely to meet the clients specific procedures and requirements, to enable a quality service at a competitive cost.
05. Machining-Overhaul-Flange Facing-Cold Cutting
We Provide on site machining including General Engine Overhaul, Flange Facing and Cold Cutting.
06. Pipeline Integrity-Corrosion-In Line Inspection
PT. Birawa Adhi Pratama provide various service in terms of Inspection - Application - Solution - Products for Composite Wrapping-Corrosion Control-Inline Inspection & Intelligent Pigging.
07. Provide Hottap and line stop services
Hot tapping refers to attaching connections and associated equipment to pipelines while they remain operational and/or under stress, minimizing impact and the potential costly need to shut down existing services.